Palisades Raptors
The Palisades, steep cliffs on the west bank of the Hudson River north of New York City provide strong updrafts when the wind is right, and these support soaring birds, including many raptors in the winter. In addition, the vegetation on the bank and above the crest allows raptors such as Peregrine Falcons to rest and survey the region for prey, upon which they can then dive at high speed.
Peregrine Falcon surveying from the Palisades crest
Hudson River and Palisades cliffs just norh of Manhattan, New York
Structure of the Palisades, showing colorful columnar rock formations supporting small trees in the vertical cracks
Vegetation at the crest of the Palisades
Turkey Vulture soaring in the Palisades updrafts
Immature Turkey Vulture riding the winds
Peregrine Falcon in high speed flight just over the Hudson River. These birds are said to be the fastest animal on the planet, achieving speeds in excess of 95 miles per hour in their attack flights.
Peregrine Falcon refreshing after a high speed flight along the river.
Peregrine Falcon contemplating another dive over the river
Peregrine Falcon ready for takeoff
Rough-legged Hawk driven away from the soaring area by an angry Peregrine
Peregrine Falcon relaxing in the sun after returning to perch
Peregrine Falcon resting in the sun on this cold windy December day