Female Goldfinch
Female goldfinch on cedar tree branch
Peach-faced Lovebird
Peach-faced Lovebird flying out from branch
Redwing Blackbird
Redwing Blackbird singing from cattail
Redwing Blackbird
Redwing Blackbird singing on small branch
Yellow-headed Blackbird
Yellow-headed Blackbird standing in straw at edge of Malheur Lake
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Chestnut-backed Chickadee sitting on cedar branch
Eastern Bluebird
Eastern Bluebird, front view, with one wing partly extended stretching
American Goldfinch
Male American Goldfinch in spring plumage sitting on cedar branch
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Red-breasted Nuthatch on tree branch looking to side
Black-chinned Hummingbird
Male Black-chinned Hummingbird sitting on small branch
Bobolink sitting on fence post
Yellow-headed Blackbird
Side-back view of Yellow-headed Blackbird singing with head turned
Cedar Waxwing
Cedar Waxwing in berry bush with berry in beak
Vermillion Flycatcher
Bright male Vermillion Flycatcher perched on desert bush
Audubon's Warbler
Audubon’s Yellow-rumped Warbler perched in a tree
Fluffy young bushtit on branch
Cedar Waxwing
Cedar Waxwing in berry bush with berry in beak
Cactus Wren
Cactus Wren in flowering cactus plant
Northern Cardinal
Bright red male Cardinal in tree
Yellow-eyed Junco
Yellow-eyed Junco on small branch
Mexican Jay
Back and side view of Mexican Jay perched on small branch
Acorn Woodpecker
Acorn Woodpecker front-side view, perched on a small branch
Rufous-crowned Sparrow
Rufous-crowned Sparrow perched on a branch
Dark-eyed (Oregon) Junco
Dark-eyed Junco, Oregon variant, photographed sitting on a branch with green foliage
Bridled Titmouse
Bridled Titmouse perching on branch
Redwing Blackbird female
Female Redwing Blackbird perched on cattail
Northern Cardinal
Bright red male cardinal with seed in its mouth perched on a branch
Yellow-throated Warbler
Yellow-throated Warbler perching on tree branch
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher hovering in flight while picking tiny insect off of a leaf
Western Meadowlark
Western Meadowlark perched on fencepost singing
Myrtle Warbler
Myrtle Warbler on small tree branch
American Robin
American Robin on holly branch with berry in its beak
Yellow-headed Blackbird
Yellow-headed Blackbird on straw colored vegetation with water background
Yellowthroat in tall marsh grass
Red-breasted Sapsucker
Red-breasted Sapsucker on tree trunk at nest hole
Tree Swallow
Tree Swallow perched on limb with outstretched wing
Mockingbird in dark brush, in beam of sunlight
American Goldfinch 2
Goldfinch on branch in green tree background
Loggerhead Shrike
Shrike sitting in top branch of bush
Vermillion Flycatcher
Vermillion Flycatcher perched at top of small tree
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher perched on wire cable
Pine Siskin
Male in spring on cedar branch
House Finch
Bright male House Finch in spring plumage
Varied Thrush
Male Varied Thrush sitting on cedar branch
Bushtit flying among cherry blossoms
Redwing Blackbird
Male Redwing singing from behind with breath fog visible against the background
Black-capped Chickadee
Chickadee perched on Cedar branch
Eastern Bluebird
Male Eastern Bluebird perched on a branch against a shadowed green tree background
Cedar Waxwing
Cedar Waxwing on barbed wire fence